To process the evaluated nuclear data file (ENDF) libraries and generate the cross section data library for neutronics calculations, a new nuclear data processing system NECP-Atlas was developed by Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics Lab. of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Meanwhile, some flaws of the current widely used nuclear data processing systems were made up.

Some new methods and techniques were proposed and integrated into NECP-Atlas. NECP-Atlas could process ENDF and generate point-wise evaluated nuclear data file (PENDF) and the multigroup cross section data library in WIMS-D format. Verification of NECP-Atlas was carried out by comparing the keff values for WLUP benchmark cases and benchmark experiments in the ICSBEP handbook using cross section data libraries processed by NECP-Atlas with those by NJOY2016. The results showed that NECP-Atlas processes the ENDF correctly and generates more reliable cross section data libraries.

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