The UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) recently launched an R&D programme in Digital Reactor Design, incorporating the development of a Nuclear Virtual Engineering Capability with an integrated Modelling and Simulation programme. A key challenge of nuclear reactor design and analysis is the system complexity, which arises from a wide range of multi-physics phenomena being important across multiple length scales. This project constitutes the first step towards developing an integrated nuclear digital environment (INDE) linking together models across physical domains and incorporating real world data across all stages of the nuclear lifecycle. Simulation case studies will be developed within the INDE framework, delivering an enhanced modelling capability while ensuring the framework has immediate application. For these case studies have been specified that are relevant to design and operation phases for AGR and PWR type reactors. The AGR case considers the through-life structural performance of graphite bricks. This involves modelling of multi-scale, multi-physics phenomena in the support of reactor operations. The PWR case study is based on core multiphysics modelling, with potential relevance to operating and future PWRs, and in particular in the design of SMRs.
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2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 22–26, 2018
London, England
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Modelling and Simulation Activities in Support of the UK Nuclear R&D Programme on Digital Reactor Design
D. Bowman,
D. Bowman
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
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L. Dwyer,
L. Dwyer
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
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A. Levers,
A. Levers
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
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K. Vikhorev,
K. Vikhorev
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
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D. Litskevich,
D. Litskevich
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
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E. Patelli,
E. Patelli
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
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E. Patterson,
E. Patterson
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
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M. Bankhead,
M. Bankhead
National Nuclear Laboratory, Warrington, UK
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A. Peakman,
A. Peakman
National Nuclear Laboratory, Warrington, UK
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E. Shwageraus,
E. Shwageraus
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
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M. D. Eaton
M. D. Eaton
Imperial College London, London, UK
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B. Lindley
Wood, Dorchester, UK
D. Allen
Wood, Dorchester, UK
J. Lillington
Wood, Dorchester, UK
A. Smethurst
Wood, Dorchester, UK
P. Smith
Wood, Dorchester, UK
D. Bowman
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
L. Dwyer
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
K. Lai
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
A. Levers
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
K. Vikhorev
University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK
D. Litskevich
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
B. Merk
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
E. Patelli
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
E. Patterson
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
M. Bankhead
National Nuclear Laboratory, Warrington, UK
A. Peakman
National Nuclear Laboratory, Warrington, UK
S. de Haas
Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK
C. Jackson
Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK
J. Draup
EDF Energy, London, UK
E. Galenne
EDF Energy, London, UK
G. Parks
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
E. Shwageraus
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
M. D. Eaton
Imperial College London, London, UK
Paper No:
ICONE26-81090, V003T02A004; 7 pages
Published Online:
October 24, 2018
Lindley, B, Allen, D, Lillington, J, Smethurst, A, Smith, P, Bowman, D, Dwyer, L, Lai, K, Levers, A, Vikhorev, K, Litskevich, D, Merk, B, Patelli, E, Patterson, E, Bankhead, M, Peakman, A, de Haas, S, Jackson, C, Draup, J, Galenne, E, Parks, G, Shwageraus, E, & Eaton, MD. "Modelling and Simulation Activities in Support of the UK Nuclear R&D Programme on Digital Reactor Design." Proceedings of the 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 3: Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics, and Transport Theory. London, England. July 22–26, 2018. V003T02A004. ASME.
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