The current paper comprises CFD-modelling and simulation of condensation and heat transfer inside horizontal pipes. Designs of future nuclear boiling water reactor concepts are equipped with emergency cooling systems which are passive systems for heat removal. The emergency cooling system consists of slightly inclined horizontal pipes which are immersed in a tank of subcooled water. At normal operation conditions, the pipes are filled with water and no heat transfer to the secondary side of the condenser occurs. In the case of an accident the water level in the core is decreasing, steam comes in the emergency pipes and due to the subcooled water around the pipe, this steam will condense. The emergency condenser acts as a strong heat sink which is responsible for a quick depressurization of the reactor core when any accident happens. The actual project is defined in order to model all these processes which happen in the emergency cooling systems. The most focus of the project is on detection of different morphologies such as annular flow, stratified flow, slug flow and plug flow. The first step is the investigation of condensation inside a horizontal tube by considering the direct contact condensation (DCC). Therefore, at the inlet of the pipe an annular flow is assumed. In this step, the Algebraic Interfacial Area Density (AIAD) model is used in order to simulate the interface. The second step is the extension of the model to consider wall condensation effect as well which is closer to the reality. In this step, the inlet is pure steam and due to the wall condensation, a liquid film occurs near the wall which leads to annular flow. The last step will be modelling of different morphologies which are occurring inside the tube during the condensation via using the Generalized Two-Phase Flow (GENTOP) model extended by heat and mass transfer. By using GENTOP the dispersed phase is able to be considered and simulated. Finally, the results of the simulations will be validated by experimental data which will be available in HZDR. In this paper the results of the first part has been presented.

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