In order to guarantee the safe and economic operation of nuclear power plant, providing the steam of high quality is very important. As the last stage of the steam-water separating device, corrugated-plate separator has low pressure loss and high separation efficiency, so it is widely used in various types of nuclear power plant. Due to the complexity of the flow field inside the corrugated-plate separator and the immaturity of the numerical method, the research on the corrugated-plate separator is mainly based on experiment. In this work, a kind of corrugated-plate separator with new structures are studied by means of experiment.
In this work, test bed was built with plexiglass. The separation characteristics, resistance characteristics and critical inlet flow velocities of the two structures of separators at different inlet velocities were studied respectively. The following conclusions were obtained: With the increase of the inlet-air velocity, the separation efficiency increases, and the pressure loss increases too. But when the critical inlet flow velocity is reached, increasing the air velocity will reduce the separation efficiency. Considering the influence of structural parameters and airflow parameters, the optimum structural parameters of two kinds of wave plates are obtained. By contrast, it is found that the performance of double-hook corrugated-plate is better than that of single-hook corrugated-plate.