The method of the event trend analysis is a so-called analyzed process that will begin with a statistics on a certain characteristic for a set of events over a period of time, and then identify and analyze its variation trend and the reason for its existence so as to develop the corresponding corrective actions. this paper combined with both the traditional event trend analysis and probabilistic safety analysis methods, develops a set of risk-informed trend analysis techniques applicable to the domestic NPPs. This method aims to highlight the significance of the events by placing larger weight on the abnormal incidents of high risk significance, and use the strategy of level management to control the common cause events so that the plant will keep a watchful eye on and give priority to eliminate these events.
In addition, this paper also provides an application case to illustrate the practical use of this method. It is shown that some plants have already obtained several benefits through adopting this method into their event analysis programs. In reality, it will benefit the application of this method into subsequent NPPs event trend analysis process and provide reference and assistance for the safety operation of the nuclear power plants.