A small Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) with compact primary system and passive safety feature, which is called Compact Small Reactor (CSR), is under pre-conceptual design and development. For the purpose of preliminary assessment of the primary coolant system and capability evaluation of the passive safety system, a detailed thermal-hydraulic (T-H) system model of the CSR was developed.
Several design-basis accidents, including feedwater line break, double ended direct vessel injection line break (one of the small-break Loss Of Coolant Accidents, LOCA) and etc, are selected and simulated so as to evaluate and further optimize the design of passive safety systems, especially the passive core cooling system.
The results of preliminary accident analysis show that the passive safety systems are basically capable of mitigating the accidents and protecting the reactor core from severe damage. Further research will be focused on the optimization of pre-conceptual design of the thermal-hydraulic system and the passive core cooling system.