Minor actinides in the spent fuel have strong radiotoxicity and very long half-life, the the properly dispose of spent fuel is indispensible to the development of nucler energy. Generally,we dispose the spent fuel by geological burying. But it can not compeletly solve the problem. Neutron transmutation is the only way to shorten the half-life of radioactive nuclides, under the irradiation of neutron MA nuclide will capture neutron or fission, and translate into the short lived nuclide or something valued nuclide. Reactivity temperature coefficient is an improtant safety parameter in nuclear reactor physics.In the reactor design, for the safely operation of reactor, reactivity temperature coefficient must be be negative. The introduction of MA in the PWR must have interference to the temperature coefficient. This paper mainly studied the influence of PWR transmutation minor actinide on the temperature coefficient.
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2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 2–6, 2017
Shanghai, China
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
The Effect of Minor Actinide Transmutation on Temperature Coefficient in PWR
Wenxin Zhang,
Wenxin Zhang
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Haoyang Yu,
Haoyang Yu
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Bin Liu,
Bin Liu
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Jin Cai,
Jin Cai
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Shuangshuang Cui
Shuangshuang Cui
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Wenxin Zhang
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Haoyang Yu
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Bin Liu
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Jin Cai
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Shuangshuang Cui
North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
Paper No:
ICONE25-67649, V003T02A062; 6 pages
Published Online:
October 17, 2017
Zhang, W, Yu, H, Liu, B, Cai, J, & Cui, S. "The Effect of Minor Actinide Transmutation on Temperature Coefficient in PWR." Proceedings of the 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 3: Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics and Transport Theory; Innovative Nuclear Power Plant Design and New Technology Application. Shanghai, China. July 2–6, 2017. V003T02A062. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE25-67649
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