Monte Carlo transport theory was applied to the variables space and time separated framework of neutron space-time kinetics calculation for Accelerator driven sub-critical reactor. The improved quasi-static approximation was combined with Monte Carlo neutron transport code (IQS/MC) for neutron space-time kinetic process of ADS sub-critical system. Besides, the IQS/MC simulation calculation program with visualization operation platform for ADS sub-critical system was developed simultaneously. The beam transient was analysed simulatedly based on the physical model of CIADS. Three-dimensional grid distributions of relative neutron flux of energy group were separated along time can be obtained by computing energy group separated of neutron flux, meanwhile the totally relative power, fuel temperature and outlet temperature of coolant at the core varied as the time were also obtained. The calculated results of IQS/MC method and point reactor method were compared, which agreed well with the relevant physics laws and verify that the IQS/MC method is applicable to the simulation of ADS neutron space-time kinetics and ADS neutronics transient security analysis.

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