As the first fast reactor of China, the safety of CEFR is extremely important, and will decide the future of Chinese fast reactor project. The failed fuel detection system of CEFR provides surveillance and protection for the first barrier-fuel cladding of CEFR, so it is one of the most important systems for the safety of CEFR. As tag gas method is an important method for fuel-failure location in fast reactor, CEFR has a medium-term and long-term plan of using this method to locating failed fuel assemblies. This article introduces the main principle of tag gas method, summarizes the application of this method, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of each fuel failure location method. Combining the design characteristics of China Experimental Fast Reactor, this work analyzes the selection principle of tag gas isotopes and the effects on heat transfer capability of fuel element while tag gas filled in. Meanwhile, according to the detection ability of mass spectrometer and the foreign advanced utilization experiences of tag gas method, some suggestions are provided.

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