As one of the most critical barrier of pressurized-water reactor, Reactor Pressurized Vessel (RPV) is exposed to high temperature, high pressure and irradiation. During the lifetime of RPV, the core belt material will become brittle under the influence of neutron irradiation. The ductile-brittle transition temperature will increase and upper shelf energy will decrease. Thus the structure integrity evaluation of RPV concerning brittle fracture is one of the most important tasks of RPV lifetime management. The non-LOCA accident of Rancho Seco nuclear power plant in 1978 indicates that the emergent cooling transients the sudden cooling down may accompany with the re-pressurize of main loop. The combination of pressure loads and thermal loads may induce a large tensile stress in RPV internal surface, which is the so called pressurized thermal shock (PTS). Due to the existence of welding cladding on the inner surface of RPV, the discontinuity of stress distribution on the cladding-base interface of RPV wall will make calculation of stress-intensity-factor (SIF) difficult. In present research, a two dimensional axial-symmetrical model is built and Finite Element Method (FEM) is adopted to calculate the transient thermal distribution and stress distribution. The influence function method is adopted to calculate crack SIF. Stress distributions in the base and cladding are decomposed respectively and SIFs are calculated respectively to obtain the crack SIF. ASME method is used to calculate the fracture toughness. Present PTS program is validated by the comparative benchmark calculation (the International Comparative Assessment Study of Pressurized Thermal-Shock in Reactor Pressure Vessels). The calculated SIF from present program lies in the reasonable region of the comparing group results. A LOCA transient is investigated with a semi-elliptical surface crack on the RPV beltline region. The temperature and stress distribution along the vessel wall during the transient are given. The stress intensity factors at the deepest and interface point are given respectively. The integrity of RPV under PTS transient is evaluated by comparing stress intensity factor with fracture toughness. Results indicate that the stress intensity factor will not exceed the fracture toughness of the RPV material. The difference between the stress intensity factor and fracture toughness reach a minimum value at the crack tip temperature 20°C. Present research gives a reliable and efficient program to perform RPV structure integrity assessment with surface crack under PTS, which is suitable for further parameter analysis and probabilistic analysis.

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