RSE-M and ASME Section XI regulations are currently recognized as NPP ISI regulations which are most extensively used, most detailed in content and most mature in technology in the world. In China, RSE-M or ASME section XI regulations are used to guide the ISI program preparation, ISI activities implementation and management. There are many differences between RSE-M and ASME Section XI regulations, such as application of regulation, scope of application, main frame and content, basic requirements of ISI, acceptance and evaluation of ISI results, repairing and change. At the same time, some technical clauses can be used for reference by each other, such as qualification and inspection items.

By comparison of RSE-M and ASME Section XI regulations for in-service inspection rules of China pressurized water reactor power plant, the technical differences between the two rules are analyzed. Combined with application and engineer practices for in-service inspection of China nuclear power plant, some technical terms used for mutual reference are summarized to provide assistance for establishing the in-service inspection program and specific implementation.

During ISI activity, applicable regulation should be chosen according to the requirements of design in consideration of inspection items, examination methods, defect acceptance criteria and evaluation. Meanwhile, implementation of RSE-M and ASME Section XI regulations should be combined with the design features, experience feedback and aging management of mechanical equipment, and draw lessons from mature technical clauses of other regulations.

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