In order to ensure the correctness of the DCS design documents, in the HPR1000 nuclear power plant (referred to as NPP) DCS engineering design phase, the documents need to be verified and validated. Based on this, taking the HPR1000 NPP as a reference unit, the design verification platform which named Full Scope Engineering Simulator (referred to as FES) is designed and developed. The FES project packages are constituted by process system modeling simulation software, DCS control logics simulation software (referred to as Level1), human-machine interface simulation software (referred to as Level2 or HMI), operating panel simulation software, I/O interface simulation software, some computer equipments other hardware, and so on. The FES can be used to validate the HPR1000 NPP DCS control logic diagrams, human-machine interface, and procedures guidelines, and so on. When the design institute submits the DCS design documents (include Level1 and Level2), these documents can be imported into the FES platform through some special import tools, meanwhile the errors and non-compliances are printed out. The errors and non-conformities are feedback to the design institute, according to which the design institute upgrades the design documents. Then the ascending version design documents are feedback and imported into the FES platform, and again printed out errors and non-compliances, so the design documents are verified and validated cycle by cycle, ensuring the correctness of the design documents offered by design institute before the final version as much as possible. This paper mainly explains the design and development of FES human-machine interface, including HMI component library software, special import tools software, the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software and other auxiliary software design and development. Then the design and development of the communication interface program between the Level2 and Level1 is explained, through which the Level2, Level1, and Level0 (the process model of HRP1000 NPP) are integrated, constituting a close-loop verification system. And explains the verification contents, lists some typical kinds of errors in the validation process, including the component type is not consistent between Level1 and Level2, use the wrong library of the HMI, add the wrong color property of the fluid medium, and the component is not named after rules between the developer and the design institute, etc. This paper also lists some examples of verification, elaborates the necessity of FES in the HPR1000 NPP DCS design process; and throughout the whole design and development process of FES, to sum up some problems in the development, meanwhile making a prospect technological development of the FES.

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