ACP600 is a 600WMe power, self-reliance developed pressurized water reactor design of third generation technology, which is the China National Nuclear Corporation’s (CNNC) achievement of continuous R&D and engineering feedback started with M310 series and 600WMe designs. In general technical project of ACP600, there is a plan to cancel Boron Injection Tank (BIT) in safety injection system and set Reactor Emergency Borating (REB) system in order to enhance safety of nuclear power plant. This paper discusses function determination and system capacity of ACP600’s REB system based on the investigations of both international and domestic advanced third generation nuclear power plant emergency borating system’s safety functions and according to ACP600’s top design and general project along with operation and typical accident analysis, bringing forward to preliminary suggestions about function determination and system capacity of ACP600’s REB system as well as further aspect and content for investigations. This provides concrete information for further design of ACP600’s REB system.

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