Continually increasing requirements on nowadays full scope PSA L1 and L2 as whole, which is multiplied by importance of specific data for all modes of operation of nuclear power plant, highlight role of input data used in PSA quantification process. This fact also emphasizes the role of capability to process all necessary information to analyze all nuclear plant modes by appropriate way. Even if abovementioned aspects are relevant for all parts of nowadays PSAs, their importance is critical for internal hazards including specific fire analysis. Because internal fire analysis forms one of the most challenging PSA tasks, requiring interdisciplinary work including processing and integration of extensive amount of data in such a way that fire analysis results are fully consistent with internal PSA events and can be directly incorporated into PSA project. Application of tailored information system forms one of the ways to speed up analyzing process, enhances manageability and maintainability of particular PSA projects and provides effective reporting mean to document process of work as well as traceable and human readable documentation for customers. Such information system also allows implementing rapid changes in processing input data and reduces the risk of human error. Usage of information systems for modification of input data for Living PSA is invaluable. Transparent highly automatized processing of input data allows the analyst to obtain more accurate and better insight to evaluate aspects of particular fire and its consequences. This paper provides brief overview of VUJE approach and experience in this area. The paper introduces general purpose of database developed for PSA needs containing data for relevant PSA structure system and components as well as information relevant for flood and fire analyses. Paper explains as this basic data source is enhanced by adding several relatively independent tiers to employ all common data for fire PSA purpose. Paper also briefly introduces capability of such system to generate integrated documentation covering all stages of fire analyses, covering all screening stages of fire analysis as well as future plans to enhance this part of work in such a way to be capable to build automatic interface between PSA model and fire database to enable PSA model parameters automatic updating and expansion of fires in combinations of initiating events (for example Fire and seismic event).

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