As an effort to enhance the accuracy in simulating the operations of research reactors, a fuel management code system REFT was developed. Because of the possible complex assembly geometry and the core configuration of research reactors, the code system employed HELIOS in the lattice calculation to describe arbitrary 2D geometry, and used the 3D triangular nodal SN method transport solver, DNTR, to model unstructured geometry in the core analysis. Flux reconstruction with the least square method and micro depletion model for specific isotopes were incorporated in the code. At the same time, to make it more user friendly, a graphical user interface was also developed for REFT.

In the analysis of the research reactors, the calculations involving the control rod movement are encountered frequently. The modeling of the control rods differential worth behavior is important in that the movement of the control rod may introduce variations on the reactivity. To handle the problem two effective ways of alleviating the control rod cusping effect are recently proposed, based on the established code system. The methodologies along with their application and validation will be discussed.

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