The objective of this paper is to modify the current existing CANFLEX® fuel-bundle design to examine its ability to withstand high-temperature conditions of a proposed generic reactor with nuclear steam reheat. One of this reactor’s characteristics is having Super-Heated Steam (SHS) channels in addition to Pressurized-Water (PW) channels in order to increase the thermal efficiency of the plant by about 7–12%. This increase may be attained by raising the outlet temperature of the SHS-channels coolant to about 550°C. Operating at the higher temperatures will definitely have an effect on the mechanical and neutronic properties of fuel-channel materials, specifically on fuel-sheath and pressure-tube materials.

This paper compares Inconel-600 and SS-304 in order to determine the most suitable material for SHS-channel’s sheath and pressure tube. This is achieved by comparing strength of materials by performing stress- and displacement-analysis simulation using NX8.5 software (NX8.5, 2009).

The analysis in this paper can also be applied to other Nuclear-Power Plants (NPPs) that require operating at higher temperatures such as Super-Critical Water-cooled Reactors (SCWRs).

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