One of the important severe accident management measures in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) is water injection to the reactor core. Reflooding of the uncovered reactor core is essential to prevent total core degradation. The series of QUENCH tests have been conducted to acquire knowledge of the reflooding. A number of analyses on QUENCH tests have also been done by different computer codes for code validation and improvements.

In this study, the modeling of the QUENCH-06 experiment was performed with RELAP/SCDAPSIM computer code. The input deck was modified and the SCDAP model was improved in order to represent the experimental facility more precisely. The uncertainties regarding the electrical resistance distribution in the heater rod system and the thermal properties of the shroud insulator were assessed, respectively.

The main purpose of this study is to identify the models to be improved. The rather good agreement between the calculation results and the measurement was acquired than the past studies [1]. In addition, more accurate modeling of the electrical resistance and the thermal properties of shroud insulator was done and their importance was indicated. The temperature profile and oxide thickness still showed similar tendencies with the original case. Further improvements are required mainly in the heat transfer model and the oxidation model in the SCDAP code.

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