The Accelerator Driven System (ADS) is a kind of nuclear reactor which can burn minor actinide waste products from conventional reactors with inherent safety. Because of the characteristics of a sub-critical reaction process, the fission chain reaction is maintained by additional neutrons generated by protons in spallation target. In this paper, a helium-cooled solid target is designed for a 10MW helium-cooled prismatic-type experimental ADS. The spallation material tungsten is modeled into the honeycomb structure, and high pressure helium flow in honeycomb holes remove heat deposited by the proton beam in the target. Since the complexity of geometry, if analysis the target with CFD code the computing time is unacceptable. Thus, a simple mathematical method was developed to solve the heat transfer problem in honeycomb structure, which avoids fine grid and the turbulent simulation, and gets a solution quickly. In order to analyze the transient characteristics of spallation target cooling system, a equivalent RELAP5 model for target and a RELAP5 model for cooling system are established. Results obtained indicate that the peak temperature in the target is lower than the limiting value under operating state and blockage condition as well as three typical transients with protected.

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