Mitigative measures against a Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) are important from the viewpoints of safety of a Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR). If a CDA occurs, Post Accident Heat Removal (PAHR) must be surely achieved. In the PAHR, molten materials are likely to be injected into the coolant like a jet and they must satisfy two requests simultaneously: fast ejection and stable cooling after quenched. In order to estimate the quench behavior of the molten jet, it is important to understand how the jet breaks up.
The objective of this study is to clarify that the influence of hydrodynamic interaction between a jet and the surrounding fluid on jet breakup. Previous works have clarified that one cause of the jet breakup is provoked by fragmentation at the side of a jet. However, there are few detailed results describing the correlation between jet breakup and hydrodynamic interaction at the leading-edge region of a jet. Additionally, air entrainment with a jet is always observed in our past experiments using simulants, but its influence has not been discussed yet.
In this study, jet injection experiments in liquid-liquid system were conducted for investigating the interaction a jet and an ambient fluid, and the effect of air entrainment on jet breakup behavior. Both simulant core materials and coolants were transparent liquids for visualization. The stored simulant core material was injected into a tank filled with the simulant coolant. In order to realize the condition without air entrainment, the air remaining within the nozzle was removed using a syringe. The jet breakup behavior was observed with a high speed video camera. A normal backlight system and a Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) system were employed for visualization. The inner velocity distribution of a jet was measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).
As a result, in the experiments without air entrainment the jet breakup lengths were described by Epstein’s equation. In addition, a pair of vortices was observed at the leading-edge region. The vortices were generated at the leading edge and the leading edge rolled up by the vortices returned toward a jet core. Thus, it was very likely that the vortices at the leading edge region promoted jet breakup.