The Fluoride-salt-cooled High-temperature Reactor (FHR) is an advanced reactor concept that uses high temperature TRISO fuel with a low-pressure liquid salt coolant. Design of Fluoride-salt-cooled High-temperature Test Reactor (FHTR) is a key step in the development of the FHR technology and is currently in progress both in China and the United States. An FHTR based on pebble bed core design with coolant temperature 600–700 °C is being planned for construction by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)’s Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR) Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). This paper provides preliminary thermal hydraulic transient analyses of an FHTR using SINAP’s pebble core design as a reference case. A point kinetic model is calculated by developing a microcomputer code coupling with a simplified porous medium heat transfer model in the core. The founded models and developed code are applied to analyze the safety characteristics of the FHTR by simulating basic transient conditions including the unprotected loss of flow, unprotected overcooling, and unprotected transient overpower accidents. The results show that the SINAP’s pebble core design is an inherently safe reactor design.

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