Research Centre Rez solves several safety related projects dealing with safety of Czech NPPs, some of which require fully functioning Three Dimensional (3D) model of the reactor core. While in a number of safety analysis of various accident scenarios it is sufficient to use one point reactor kinetics, there are selected types of accidents in which it is useful to model the space (3D) neutron kinetics, in particular control rod ejections, boron dilution scenarios, including transitions from design basis to beyond design basis accidents. This paper is focused to analyze the present model of the core of VVER1000/V320 reactor. Which is applicable for 3D modeling of neutron kinetics in selected design and beyond design basis accidents. The model is based on a cross-sections library created by SCALE 6.1.2/TRITON simulations. PARCS 3.2 code uses homogenized cross-sections libraries to calculate neutronic and other core parameters of the PWR reactors. Similar model is prepared with MCNP6 for comparison between deterministic (Pn spherical-harmonics method used in PARCS) and the stochastic (Monte Carlo) approach (used in MCNP6). Such comparison will serve as a demonstration of the capability of the PARCS code for VVER1000/V320 analyses.

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