This paper presents recent advances in the modeling of two-phase boiling flow and critical heat flux that have been implemented in the Extended Boiling Framework (EBF) [1, 2, 3]. The EBF code was developed as a customized module built on the foundation of the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code STAR-CD, which provides general two-phase flow modeling capabilities, for the detailed analysis of the two-phase flow and heat transfer phenomena that occur in Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies. These phenomena include coolant phase changes and multiple flow regimes that directly influence the coolant interaction with the fuel pins and, ultimately, the reactor performance. An effort to expand the EBF two-phase models and to explore their applicability to other CFD codes is currently underway.

The paper presents results of recent CFD analyses of Critical Heat Flux (CHF) experiments that have measured the axial distribution of wall temperature in two-phase upward flow in a vertical channel with a heated wall. The experiments were designed to produce the onset of CHF in the upper half of the heated channel. The simulated axial distribution of wall temperature is compared with experimental data, illustrating the ability of the extended EBF model to capture the onset of CHF for a wide range of thermal-hydraulic conditions relevant for BWRs. The paper concludes with a discussion of results and plans for future work.

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