The results of an experimental study on the nuclear reactor containment spray system are presented. Depending on the initial conditions, the spray nozzle configuration and flow rates, the spray may cause higher hydrogen concentration during depressurization due to steam condensation, or it may erode the hydrogen stratification by enhanced mixing. To investigate these phenomena, the tests are performed using a full-cone spray nozzle in PANDA facility at Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. Temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the fluid temperature and the fluid concentrations are measured using thermocouples and mass spectrometers. Two tests are performed with initial vessel wall temperatures of 105°C and 135°C, which create condensing and non-condensing environments respectively. The different initial conditions lead to different density stratifications. The effect of these different density stratification on the flow patterns and mixing of gases in the vessels due to the action of the spray is revealed by these tests.

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