The purpose of this study is to identify hydrodynamic loads due to steam condensation acting on the Suppression Pool (S/P) in Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) of Advanced-Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) by using general-purpose analysis code, ANSYS™. The source load methodology has been used to evaluate the hydrodynamic loads, which are classified into condensation oscillation (CO) and chugging (CH). When setting the design source from the confirmation test, the calculation method due to the eigenfunction of the cylindrical coordinate system was used. Since, there were various limitations in the previous approaches, a new analysis approach has been expected. In this study, the pool of ABWR horizontal-vent confirmatory test facility is modeled with the ANSYS™ acoustic elements. The calculation results are in good agreement with the test pressure oscillations. It is confirmed that the proposed approach can create the design source enveloping the PSD of test results.
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2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 7–11, 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Evaluation of Dynamic Loads due to Steam Condensation in Boiling Water Reactor ABWR Containment
Tsutomu Shioyama,
Tsutomu Shioyama
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
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Masashi Nakane,
Masashi Nakane
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
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Takuya Miyagawa,
Takuya Miyagawa
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
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Makoto Ukai,
Makoto Ukai
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
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Masanobu Watanabe,
Masanobu Watanabe
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
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Tsuyoshi Hagiwara
Tsuyoshi Hagiwara
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Tsutomu Shioyama
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Masashi Nakane
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Takuya Miyagawa
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Makoto Ukai
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Masanobu Watanabe
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Tsuyoshi Hagiwara
Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan
Paper No:
ICONE22-30141, V001T03A007; 6 pages
Published Online:
November 17, 2014
Shioyama, T, Nakane, M, Miyagawa, T, Ukai, M, Watanabe, M, & Hagiwara, T. "Evaluation of Dynamic Loads due to Steam Condensation in Boiling Water Reactor ABWR Containment." Proceedings of the 2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 1: Plant Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Modifications, Life Cycle and Balance of Plant; Nuclear Fuel and Materials; Plant Systems, Structures and Components; Codes, Standards, Licensing and Regulatory Issues. Prague, Czech Republic. July 7–11, 2014. V001T03A007. ASME.
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