Large break LOCA (LBLOCA) is one of the limit design basic accidents in nuclear power plant. The large flow water in the advanced accumulator is injected into primary loop in early short time. When the vessel pressure drops and reactor core is re-flooded, the advanced accumulator provides a small injection flow to keep the reactor core in flooded condition. Thus, the startup grace time of the low pressure safety injection pump is extended, and the core still stays in a long-term cooling state. By deducing the original accumulator model in RELAP5 accident analysis code, a new model combining the advanced and the traditional accumulator is obtained and coupled into RELAP5/ MOD 3.3. Simulation results show that there is a large flow in the advanced accumulator at the initial stage. When the accumulator water level is lower than the stand pipe, a vortex appears in the damper, resulting in a large pressure drop and small flow. The phenomenon meets the demand of the advanced accumulator design and the simulation of the advanced accumulator is accomplished successfully. Based on this, the primary coolant loop cold leg double-ended guillotine break LBLOCA in CPR1000 is analyzed with the modified RELAP5 code. When the double ended cold leg guillotine accident with 200s delayed startup of the low pressure safety injection occurs, maximum cladding temperature in the core with traditional accumulator is 1860K which seriously exceeded the safety temperature (1477K)[1] prescribed limits while the maximum cladding temperature with advanced accumulator has the security temperature-1277K. From this point of view, adopting passive advanced accumulator can strive a longer grace time for LPSI. Thus the reliability, security and economy of reactor system were improved.

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