The two-phase flow instability in parallel channels heated by uniform and non-uniform heat flux has been theoretically studied in this paper. Based on the homogeneous flow model in two-phase region, the system control equations of parallel channels were established. Semi-implicit finite-difference method and staggered mesh method were used to discretize the system control equations and the difference equations were solved with a chasing method. The cosine profile and uniform constant heat flux represent the non-uniform and uniform heating condition, respectively. The marginal stability boundaries (MSB) of parallel channels and the three-dimensional instability spaces (or instability reefs) of different heat flux models were obtained. For cosine profile heating, the stability of parallel channels increases with the increase of the system pressure and inlet resistant coefficient. In high inlet subcooling region, cosine heat flux can strengthen the system stability. However, in low inlet subcooling region, the negative effect to system stability will be caused by non-uniform heating. The increase of inlet resistant coefficient will move the turning point of the MSB to high inlet subcooling number.

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