Integrity of reactor pressure vessels (RPV) are of the most importance for safety of the whole NPP. From all potential regimes, Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) regimes during emergency cooling conditions are the most severe and most important.
Several nuclear codes are based in similar approaches but their procedures differ and are based on national knowledge and approach to fracture mechanics as well as non-destructive methods of reactor pressure vessel testing.
The paper will compare requirements and procedures for PTS evaluation in accordance with RCC-M code in France [2], KTA in Germany [3], Russian original code PNAEG from 1989 [5] and new procedure from 2004 for WWER vessels [4], as well as VERLIFE procedure and IAEA-NULIFE VERLIFE [6] procedure for WWER RPVs and finally ASME Code requirements [1] including US NRC RG approach.
Detailed comparison of individual parameters in calculations are compared — material properties, degradation of materials, calculated defects size and form, fracture mechanics approach, warm pre-stressing possibility etc.