The ASME B&PV Code, Section III, is being used as the design acceptance criteria in the construction of China’s third generation AP1000 nuclear power plants. This is the first time that the ASME Code was fully accepted in Chinese nuclear power industry. In the past 6 years, a few improvements of the Code were found to be necessary to satisfy the various requirements originated from these new power plant (NPP) constructions. These improvements are originated from a) the stress-strain curves needed in elastic-plastic analysis, b) the environmental fatigue issue, c) the perplexity generated from the examination requirements after hydrostatic test and d) the safe end welding problems. In this paper, the necessities of these proposed improvements on the ASME B&PV code are further explained and discussed case by case. Hopefully, through these efforts, the near future development direction and assignment of the ASME B&PV-III China International Working Group can be set up.

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