Beyond-design basis accidents in the AP1000 may result in reactor core melting and are therefore termed core melt accidents. The aim of this work is to develop a code to calculate and analyze the oxidation of a single fuel rod with total failures of engineered safeguard systems under a certain beyond-design basis accident such as a gigantic earthquake which can result in station blackout and then total loss of coolant flow. Using the code, the responses of the most dangerous fuel rod in the AP1000 were calculated under the accident. A discussion involving fuel pellets melting, cladding rupture and oxidation, and hydrogen production then was carried out, focused on DNBR during coolant pump coastdown, the cladding intactness under different flow rates in natural circulation, and the delay effect on cladding rupture due to cladding oxidation. By the analysis of calculated results, several suggestions on guaranteeing the security of fuel rods were provided.

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