HTTR is a helium gas cooled graphite-moderated HTGR with the rated power 30 MWt and the maximum reactor outlet coolant temperature 950°C. The vessel cooling system (VCS), which is composed of thermal reflector plates, cooling panel composed of fins connected between adjacent water cooling tubes, removes decay heat from reactor core by heat transfer of thermal radiation, conduction and natural convection in case of loss of forced cooling (LOFC). The metallic supports are embedded in the biological shielding concrete to support the fins of VCS. To verify the inherent safety features of HTGR, the LOFC test is planned by using HTTR with the VCS inactive from an initial reactor power of 9 MWt under the condition of LOFC while the reactor shut-down system disabled. In this test, the temperature distribution in the biological shielding concrete is prospected locally higher around the support because of thermal conduction in the support. A 2-dimensional symmetrical model was improved to simulate the heat transfer to the concrete through the VCS support in addition to the heat transfer thermal radiation and natural convection. The model simulated the water cooling tubes setting horizontally at the same pitch with actual configuration. The numerical results were verified in comparison with the measured data acquired from the test, in which the RPV was heated up to around 110 °C without nuclear heating with the VCS inactive, to show that the temperature is locally high but kept sufficiently low around the support in the concrete due to sufficient thermal conductivity to the cold temperature region.

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