According to Post Fukushima action items in Korea, KHNP has established the integrated aging management system to reinforce aging management of system, structures, and components (SSCs) effectively for seven operating units, which are in service for more than twenty years, and for Kori Unit 1 and Wolsung Unit 1, which are subject to continued operation (CO) based on NUREG-1801 GALL report. KHNP’s integrated aging management programs (AMPs) focus on the establishment of aging management system for long-lived operation of nuclear power plants in Korea.

The integrated aging management system consists of the integrated AMP standard guideline, operating guideline for each plant, individual AMPs of each plant, and AMP Data Base (DB) system including implementation results, basic DB information related to facilities operating in NPPs, and operating information such as operating experience and evaluation report.

The integrated aging management system is importantly utilized for Periodic Safety Review (PSR) and the renewal of CO. Therefore, it will be largely contributed to keep NPPs the level of safety for long time operation through the effective aging management.

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