A pressurizer degassing sub-system is designed in Module Small Reactor (ACP100), which can be used to vent the non-condensable gas dissolved in Reactor Coolant during plant shutdown period by opening the remote degassing valve installed on top of the pressurizer. In order to verify the transient characteristic during the whole degassing process, a dedicated transient degassing program is developed based on the improved non-equilibrium multi-region model and the transient degassing model, which is used then to carry out a simulation analysis on this process. Also, the boundary condition models including pressurizer heater power model, pressure spray model, surge line flow model and critical flow model for degassing valve are established. The simulation results show that, under ultimate condition of hot-zero power operation, during the whole degassing process, the Pressurizer’s pressure drops to a maximum 0.038MPa, and the water level is raised 0.0637m above the normal level, which means, both of the pressure and water level are within the normal operation band and shall not initiate any safety signal. Meanwhile, the whole transient process lasts about 16 minutes, and then it enters into the stable degassing period. The gas concentration vs time curve is very smooth. It takes about 5.8 hours to remove the gas dissolved in Reactor Coolant from 35 ml(STP)/kg to 15 ml(STP)/kg. The analysis shows the Pressurizer Degassing Sub-system is safety, effectively and reliable.