Estimation of radionuclide aerosol release to the environment, from fire accident scenarios, are one of the most dominant accident evaluations at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) nuclear facilities. Of particular interest to safety analysts, is estimating the radionuclide aerosol release, the Source Term (ST), based on aerosol transport from a fire room to a corridor and from the corridor to the environment. However, no existing literature has been found on estimating ST from this multi-room facility configuration. This paper contributes the following to aerosol transport modeling body of work: a validation study on a multiroom fire experiment (this includes a code-to-code comparison between MELCOR and Consolidated Fire and Smoke Transport, a specialized fire code without radionuclide transport capabilities), a sensitivity study to provide insight on the effect of smoke on ST, and a sensitivity study on the effect of aerosol entrainment in the atmosphere (puff and continuous rate) on ST.