
SiC has become a candidate cladding material of Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATF) due to its excellent irradiation stability and corrosion resistance. However, because SiC is a ceramic material with low toughness, brittle failure is a significant concern. In order to improve the toughness, SiC fiber is required to manufacture multi-layer SiC composites. But the current performance model or analysis tool is not available for SiC composites cladding due to its obviously difference with Zr alloy cladding. On one side, Finite element method was used in this paper to analyze the performance of SiC composites cladding under operation conditions which include normal, transient conditions and LOCA conditions; on the other side, this paper gives the performance of the SiC composites with two layers under multiple operating conditions. The result showed that the temperature was stable and the maximum hoop stress was reached at about 70d under normal condition. The power ramp can increase the cladding temperature and has visible influence on the stress distribution. The hoop stress of the cladding reversed under LOCA condition. The tensile hoop stress on the outer surface significantly increased, which caused the obvious increase of failure probability of monolithic SiC, and the failure probability of SiC layer is significantly increased. The conclusion of the analysis has guiding significance for the theoretical design of SiC composites.

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