This paper provides the seismic time history data precision and time interval requirement for seismic dynamic analysis. U.S.NRC SRP 3.7.1 “Seismic Design Parameters” Acceptance Criteria for Design Time Histories specifies the power spectral density Nyquist Frequency, time interval, and total duration; however, it does not have the requirement for Response Spectra. The response spectrum bandwidth is inverse-proportional to time interval of the time history. For the time interval of 0.005 seconds, the bandwidth for the response spectrum is between 0.194 Hz and 80.5 Hz; the PSD Nyquist frequency is 100 Hz. For 20.48 seconds time history, 4096 data points are required. The response spectrum between 1.28 Hz and 13.6 Hz has the peak flat magnitude value; the magnitude drops to 0.707 of the peak value from 1.28 Hz to 0.194 Hz and from 13.6 Hz to 80.5 Hz. This paper also provides the time interval requirement for various response spectrum peak flat magnitude value; i.e., the response spectrum highest flat magnitude of 27.2 Hz requires a time interval of 0.0025 seconds time history. For 20.48 seconds time history, 8192 data points are required. For CSDRS, the time interval of 0.005 seconds is adequate for the frequency range of interest between 0.36 Hz and 57.2 Hz. For HRHF, the time interval of 0.0025 seconds is required to analyze the frequency range of interest between 0.36 Hz and 114.4 Hz.