
As states in the IAEA SSR-2/1 (Rev.1) and IAEA TECDOC-1791, the defence in depth concept is not to be understood as merely limited to the request for the implementation of a number of consecutive barriers and protection levels, but is to be understood as the main general principle that leads to the formulation of safety requirements including requirements necessary to achieve the quality and reliability expected for the barriers and for systems ensuring their integrity. Thus, the application of defence in depth concept is not only limited in the reactor core design, but also can extend to a wider range in nuclear power plant design.

In this paper, the application of defence in depth concept, which is defined in IAEA latest requirements, in the irradiated fuel water pool storage, electrical system, internal hazards and external hazards of the nuclear power plant design are reviewed. Base on the study of the newest standard and codes, the design requirements of each level of defence in depth in the above systems are confirmed. The analysis of defence in depth design features of an advanced nuclear power plant in China are also show the application value of defence in depth in these extended regions.

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