The ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international collaborative project, and its object is aiming at demonstrating the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes. In the ITER, the four important engineering challenges are the first wall of the blank model, the remote handling (RH), the heating of the plasma, and the superconducting technology. The RH control system is very complexity, and the total number of the control nodes is 15378, which consists of the control nodes in the Tokamak equipment, the hot cell equipment and the control room equipment. Only the number of the control nodes of the transfer cask system (TCS) is up to 2580. The TCS is one sub system of ITER RH system, which provides the means for the remote transfer of (clean/activated/contaminated) in-vessel components and remote handling equipment between hot cell facility and vacuum vessel through dedicated galleries and lift in the ITER buildings. Due to the experimental facility with a very long timeline, the control software on the ITER is better suited using an open source solution as compared to a commercial solution. According to market share and proven record, command control and data acquisition and communication (CODAC) group chooses the EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) as the preferred solution. China takes part in the ITER, and wishes to grasp the RH technology, which is one of the four key technologies related to the future fusion reactors for electric power generation. According to the CODAC system configuration with EPICS component, the concept control architecture of the TCS is presented in this paper. The control system consists of the file network, the interlock network, the safety network, real-time network, RH control network and visual supervising network etc. Then, the paper analyses each part corresponding requirement function. As a result, a development service platform concept is set up. Finally, the experiment system of the leg of the TCS has been constructed.

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