The LOCA analysis for the advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) is very important and the methods on it are developing. There are two basic approaches for LOCA (loss of coolant accident) licensing at current. One is based on the conservative requirement of Appendix K of 10CFR50.46 of USNRC, and another is the best estimate (BE) analysis methodology which needs strict sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. The results achieved by the best estimate analysis are closer to the reality than those achieved by the conservative methodology, and the realistic BELOCA analysis in nuclear realm becomes an international trend currently although its development still meet lots of challenges. The research and design on AP1000 to be built in China and larger advanced pressurized water reactor (CAP1400 or CAP1700) as one of Chinese national science & technology major project is in progress. The reliable licensing LOCA analysis as one of the most important accident safety analysis is absolutely necessary. There are three ways to get the code applied in licensing accident analysis: the first way is developing code based on the best estimated methodology with strict uncertainty analysis, the second way is to develop new analysis code based on the conservative Appendix K, and the third way is improving the current system analysis code, which had been verified and validated by many cases, to satisfy the requirements of Appendix K. The last one may be the most feasible way for the AP1000 design with high efficiency and economic competition. Some code like RELAP5 has been used for LOCA analysis, and its results showed good agreement with the test data. RELAP is the transient thermal-hydraulic system analysis code developed by Idaho National Laboratory, in which some model and correlations are not consistent with the conservative requirements of Appendix K, so it can not be applied for licensing LOCA analysis and evaluation directly. In this paper the way to develop analysis code for LOCA license is discussed, and some areas in RELAP code needed to be modified for according with Appendix K are also described, which will be helpful for the advanced PWR design and development in China.
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18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
May 17–21, 2010
Xi’an, China
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Prospect on the LOCA Analysis Method on the Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor in China
Yan Wang,
Yan Wang
State Nuclear Power Technology Research and Development Centre; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
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Xie Heng
Xie Heng
State Nuclear Power Technology Research and Development Centre; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
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Yan Wang
State Nuclear Power Technology Research and Development Centre; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Xie Heng
State Nuclear Power Technology Research and Development Centre; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Paper No:
ICONE18-29345, pp. 377-382; 6 pages
Published Online:
April 8, 2011
Wang, Y, & Heng, X. "Prospect on the LOCA Analysis Method on the Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor in China." Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 4, Parts A and B. Xi’an, China. May 17–21, 2010. pp. 377-382. ASME.
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