This paper describes experimental analyses using the SIMMER-III computer code, which is a two-dimensional multi-component multi-phase Eulerian fluid-dynamics code. Two topics of key phenomena in core disruptive accidents were presented in this paper: debris-bed coolability and metallic fuel freezing behavior. Related experimental database were reviewed to choose suitable experiments. To analyze the debris-bed coolability, the ACRR-D10 in-pile experiments were selected. SIMMER-III well simulated the heat transfer mechanisms including conduction, boiling and channeling observed in the experiment. Metallic fuel may freeze onto the stainless steel (cladding or wrapper tube) together with eutectic formation during core disruption in a metallic-fueled reactor. The CAFE´-UT2 experiment carried out using pure UO2 melt to investigate such phenomena was selected for the experimental analysis. In spite of no eutectic formation model in the SIMMER-III code, the calculated fuel penetration behavior was in good agreement with the experimental data.

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