During the reflood phase of a postulated loss of coolant accident in a nuclear reactor, the entrainment of liquid droplets can occur at a quench front of reflooding water. It is widely recognized that the behavior of the entrained droplet crucially affects the reflood heat transfer phenomena by decreasing the superheated steam temperature and interacting with a rod bundle and spacer grids. For this reason, various experimental and numerical studies have been performed to examine droplet behavior such as the droplet size, velocity and droplet fraction inside a rod array. In this study, an experiment on the droplet behavior inside a heated rod bundle has been performed. The experiment was focused on the break-up of droplets induced by a spacer grid in a rod bundle geometry, which results in the increase of the interfacial heat transfer between droplets and superheated steam. A 6×6 rod bundle test facility in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute was used for the experiment. Steam was supplied by an external boiler into the bottom of the test channel, and a droplet injection nozzle was equipped instead of simulating a quench front of reflooding water. The major measuring parameters of the experiment were the droplet size and velocity, and these were measured by a high-speed camera and a digital image processing technique. A series of experiments were conducted with various flow conditions of a steam injection velocity, heater temperature, droplet size and droplet flow rate. The experiments provided the data on the change of the Sauter mean diameter of droplets after collision with a spacer grid depending on flow conditions. Moreover, the data was analyzed with a droplet break-up model by a spacer grid which was implemented into a thermal hydraulic analysis code, COBRA-TF.

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