Nuclear off-site emergency response for nuclear power plants in Guangdong province is a complicated process, which is finished by many emergency response organizations. In a nuclear emergency, the source, format, content, take-over means and processing means of the information passed among these organizations are different. The aim of nuclear emergency response is to protect public and environment by taking some proper urgent protective action. The essential information from the original information is necessary for decision-making in the processing of nuclear response emergency, thus the key of emergency response is incepting and analyzing the information. An effective method of processing information is using a computer-based information system to aid the traditional handwork means. Nuclear Emergency management Information System in Guangdong Province is such systems, which covers preparedness, response and recover phase. At first, this paper analyzed the system functions according to the responsibilities of the emergency organizations in Guangdong province. Then the system frame is decided, which is composed of operation, information management, file processing, consequence assessment, operational intervention level (OIL) computing subsystem, geographic information system and a system database. A useful method for decision is applying the OILs in consequence assessment, and default OILs need be revised in a real nuclear emergency. Developing OIL computing subsystem is helpful to make decision with measurement result directly.

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