After the construction of nuclear power plants (NPPs) the main aim is to achieve high level of safety. For this purpose different methods and techniques such as defense in depth, safety culture, human reliability analysis (HRA), human factor engineering (HFE), fault tree analysis (FTA), event tree analysis (ETA), deterministic safety analysis (DSA), and probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) etc. have been used for many years and also in present days. Although these methods are suitable for safety of NPPs but with the passage of time, changes occur in components reliability and operating procedures, which continuously modify configuration of NPP. In order to handle these situations, living probabilistic safety assessment (LPSA) and risk monitoring (RM), as an application of PSA, play an important role in updating and maintaining level of safety. The objective of this paper is to summarize the history of LPSA and RM. The study also highlights a newly developed risk monitor called Risk Manager that has been presented in this paper.

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