The process of neutron multiplication is a discrete-time process, but the neutron transport theory takes neutron multiplication as a continuous neutron source, which ignores the discrete-time process of neutron multiplication, which would take in errors, so it is necessary for describing the process of neutron multiplication as a discrete-time process. “The neutron doubling formula including delayed neutrons” has been established which describes the process of neutron multiplication as a discrete-time process, but it has nothing to do with space. “The neutron doubling formula including delayed neutrons” could not be used to describe the variety of distributing of neutron density in transient process; it also could not be used to deal with the problem of three-dimensional space. In order to solve the problems mentioned above, the space-time neutron multiplication formula is established. Based on the theory of neutron multiplication, the concept of space is introduced to the neutron multiplication formula and the space-time neutron multiplication formula is established by taking into account of neutron transport. The formula can describe the inherent physical process of neutron multiplication in fission chain reaction system. The test of space-time neutron multiplication formula is done, which proves the formula is right. Given the initial neutron density as well as the multiplication factor, the formula can strictly describe the variety of neutron density (neutron flux density) with time. It could be used for setting a standard for estimating error for the measurement of neutron flux density as well as numerical calculation; the space-time neutron multiplication has larger applicability compared with the “neutron doubling formula including delayed neutrons”.

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