The continuous-energy resonance self-shielding calculation method based on wavelets scaling function expansion method is a valuable potential method to solve the complex resonance problem. Within the fast and thermal energy ranges, the standard multi-group treatment is applied, while Daubechies’ wavelets scaling function expansion method is used to discretize the energy variable of neutron flux within the resonant energy range. In this method, the neutron transport equation is transformed to a set of expansion coefficients equations of wavelets scaling functions. Calculation of the coefficients is very time consuming so that a powerful neutron transport calculation method is needed for better calculation efficiency. In this paper, the discrete direction probability method (DDPM) is employed as a tool for solving the wavelet scaling function expansion coefficients. The DDPM combines the desirable features of interface current method as well as the method of characteristics.
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18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
May 17–21, 2010
Xi’an, China
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Wavelets Scaling Function Expansion Resonance Self-Shielding Calculation Based on the DDPM
Tiejun Zu,
Tiejun Zu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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Hongchun Wu,
Hongchun Wu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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Liangzhi Cao,
Liangzhi Cao
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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Qingjie Liu,
Qingjie Liu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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Weiyan Yang
Weiyan Yang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Tiejun Zu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Hongchun Wu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Liangzhi Cao
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Qingjie Liu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Weiyan Yang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Paper No:
ICONE18-30370, pp. 317-322; 6 pages
Published Online:
April 8, 2011
Zu, T, Wu, H, Cao, L, Liu, Q, & Yang, W. "Wavelets Scaling Function Expansion Resonance Self-Shielding Calculation Based on the DDPM." Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2. Xi’an, China. May 17–21, 2010. pp. 317-322. ASME.
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