The Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method, known to handle complex problems which may be formidable for deterministic methods, will always require validation with classic problems that have evolved historically from deterministic methods [1–5] based on Chandrasekhar’s method in radiative transfer, Fourier transforms, Green’s functions, Weiner-Hopf method etc which are restricted to simple geometries, such as infinite or semiinfinite media, and simple scattering laws too for practical application. This work compares deterministic results with MC simulation results for neutron flux in a slab. We consider mono-energetic transport problem in an infinite medium and in a 1-D finite slab with isotropic scattering. The transport theory solutions used in infinite geometry are the Green’s function solution and the spherical harmonics (P1, P3) solutions, while for the 1-D finite slab, we refer to a transport benchmark for which an exact solution is available. For diffusion theory, we consider the Green’s function infinite geometry solution, and the exact and eigen-function numerical solution for finite geometry (1-D slab). The objective of this work is to illustrate the results from all the methods considered especially near the source and boundaries, and as a function of the scattering probability. The results are plotted for six elements that include a strong absorber, such as gadolinium, and a strong “scaterrer” such as aluminium. The present work is didactic and focuses on problems which are simple enough, yet important, to illustrate the conceptual difference and computational complexity of the deterministic and stochastic approaches.

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