The reviewing of operating experience at nuclear power plants (NPP) is not only critically important to safe and reliable operations, but also useful to guide the design of new plants which are similar to the current one under review. How to identify and analyze the safety-related operating experience and then implement a more extensive review is a vital and challengeable issue. In this paper, a methodology of human factor engineering (HFE) operating experience review (OER) is proposed for NPP. The need for the application of HFE in the life cycle activities of NPP and other nuclear facilities has been demonstrated by plant operating histories and regulatory and industry reviews. As a very important element of HFE, the OER is performed from the beginning of the design process. The main purpose of performing an OER is to verify that the applicant has identified and analyzed HFE-related safety problems and issues in previous designs that are similar to the current one. In this way, negative features associated with predecessor designs may be avoided in the current NPP design while retaining positive features. The research of OER concentrates on the aspect of review criterion, scope and implementation procedure of the HFE-related operating experience. As the NRC requirement, the scope of operating experience can be divided into six types in accordance with sources of information. The implementation procedures of USA and China are introduced, respectively. The resolution of HFE OER issues involve function allocation, changes in automation, HSI equipment design, procedures, training, and so forth. The OER conclusions can contribute to other HFE activities and improve the safety, reliability and usability of the HSI design in NPP.

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