Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is conducting R&D of the engineering scale extraction chromatography system, which uses silica-based adsorbents impregnated with an extractant for the minor actinides (Am and Cm) recovery from the high level liquid waste generated in the spent FBR fuel reprocessing, as a part of the Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) project. A bench scale testing system was made and provided for the first step of development. The column of the test system (ID 480 or 200 mmΦ with 650 mm height) was equipped with ports for 6 external sensors at its top, middle and bottom levels for measuring the flow velocity or temperature, and for additional 6 heaters for simulating the decay heat of Am and Cm at the middle level of the column. The flow velocity distribution was almost constant except for the very near at the column wall, and it was almost uniform when the liquid flew from top to bottom direction with 4 cm/min of the velocity. The heaters scarcely influenced on the temperature profile inside the column when the power applied to the heater simulated the decay heat of Am, Cm and FPs. The decay heat generated in the column was transported to the effluents and the temperature inside column was kept almost constant.

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