A five-year research project started in FY2005 (Japanese Fiscal Year, hereafter) to develop a code based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method for detailed analysis of core disruptive accidents (CDAs) in sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). The code is named COMPASS (Computer Code with Moving Particle Semi-implicit for Reactor Safety Analysis). CDAs have been almost exclusively analyzed with SIMMER-III [2], which is a two-dimensional multi-component multi-phase Eulerian fluid-dynamics code, coupled with fuel pin model and neutronics model. The COMPASS has been developed to play a role complementary to SIMMER-III in temporal and spatial scale viewpoint; COMPASS for mesoscopic using a small window cut off from SIMMER-III for macroscopic. We presented the project’s outline and the verification analyses of elastic structural mechanics module of the COMPASS in ICONE16 [1]. The COMPASS solves physical phenomena in CDAs coupling fluid dynamics and structural dynamics with phase changes, that is vaporization/condensation and melting/ freezing. The phase changes are based on nonequilibrium heat transfer-limited model and all “phase change paths” considered in SIMMER-III are implemented [20]. In FY2007, the elastoplastic model including thermal expansion and fracture are formulated in terms of MPS method and implemented in the COMPASS, where the model adopts the von Mises type yield condition and the maximum principal stress as fracture condition. To cope with large computing time, “stiffness reduction approximation” was developed and successfully implemented in the COMPASS besides parallelization effort. Verification problems are set to be suitable for analyses of SCARABEE tests, EAGLE tests and hypothetical CDAs in real plants so that they are suggesting issues to be solved by improving the models and calculation algorithms. The main objective of SCARABEE-N in-pile tests was to study the consequences of a hypothetical total instantaneous blockage (TIB) at the entrance of a liquid-metal reactor subassembly at full power [21]. The main objectives of the EAGLE program consisting of in-pile tests using IGR (Impulse Graphite Reactor) and out-of-pile tests at NNC/RK are; 1) to demonstrate effectiveness of special design concepts to eliminate the re-criticality issue, and 2) to acquire basic information on early-phase relocation of molten-core materials toward cold regions surrounding the core, which would be applicable to various core design concepts [22, 23]. In this paper, the formulations and the results of functional verification of elastoplastic models in CDA conditions will be presented.
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17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
July 12–16, 2009
Brussels, Belgium
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division
Next Generation Safety Analysis Methods for SFRs—(5) Structural Mechanics Models of COMPASS Code and Verification Analyses
Noriyuki Shirakawa,
Noriyuki Shirakawa
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
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Yasushi Uehara,
Yasushi Uehara
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
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Masanori Naitoh,
Masanori Naitoh
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
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Hidetoshi Okada,
Hidetoshi Okada
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
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Yuichi Yamamoto,
Yuichi Yamamoto
Japan Systems Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
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Seiichi Koshizuka
Seiichi Koshizuka
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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Noriyuki Shirakawa
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
Yasushi Uehara
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
Masanori Naitoh
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
Hidetoshi Okada
The Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
Yuichi Yamamoto
Japan Systems Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Seiichi Koshizuka
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Paper No:
ICONE17-75532, pp. 425-434; 10 pages
Published Online:
February 25, 2010
Shirakawa, N, Uehara, Y, Naitoh, M, Okada, H, Yamamoto, Y, & Koshizuka, S. "Next Generation Safety Analysis Methods for SFRs—(5) Structural Mechanics Models of COMPASS Code and Verification Analyses." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Volume 5: Fuel Cycle and High and Low Level Waste Management and Decommissioning; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Neutronics Methods and Coupled Codes; Instrumentation and Control. Brussels, Belgium. July 12–16, 2009. pp. 425-434. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE17-75532
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