This paper presents the current state of an ongoing analysis and validation of turbulence models for three dimensional numerical simulations (CFD-simulations) within containments of nuclear reactors. A severe accident flow inside a containment could be caused by a leak in the primary circuit of the reactor. It is characterized by different velocities, mass transport, the anisotropy and time dependency of the turbulence field as well as the transition between laminar and turbulent flows. Another issue is the complex geometry of a containment with different rooms and obstacles. The analysis is using the experimental data of the THAI model containment, using the TH18 experiment as the reference case. In order to investigate the numerical error, different advection schemes were used and a grid-dependency study was carried out within a half model of the geometry. On a sufficiently fine grid transient simulations were performed by using the Shear Stress Transport and the Reynolds Stress turbulence models. The results of the simulations are showing different deviations from the experiment. Along with the results, a guide for future work is discussed.

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