A Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Point Lepreau Generating Station has been completed as part of the plant Refurbishment Project. The main objective of this PSA is to provide insights into plant safety design and performance, including the identification of dominant risk contributors and assessing options for reducing risk. The scope of this assessment covers Level 1 and 2 PSA and includes internal events for full power and shutdown, internal fires and internal floods as well as PSA-based seismic margin assessment (SMA) for full power operation. Following the accident sequence quantification for internal events, fire and flood, the results were integrated to provide an overall estimation of the Severe Core Damage Frequency (SCDF) and the Large Release Frequency (LRF) for the refurbished Point Lepreau plant. Importance analysis was performed on the integrated results to identify risk-significant failures, using Fussell-Vesely and Risk Achievement Worth indices, and risk-contributors using Risk Reduction Worth indices. Based on the importance measures, analysis was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the SCDF and LRF results to the dominant contributors. Uncertainty analysis was also performed to provide qualitative discussions and quantitative measures of the uncertainties in the results of the PSA, namely the frequency of severe core damage or external releases. Based on the results, recommendations were made to improve maintenance, testing, training procedures as well as housekeeping. Also, results of the Level 1 and 2 PSA have been used to determine the safety important systems and components. This paper discusses the key results and recommendations of the Level 2 PSA as well as the methodology used to determine the safety important systems.

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